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Medical Checkup |
Hai, selamat datang
di blog kami, penulis mengucapkan selamat karena kalian telah melalui tahapan
tes paling menegangkan dalam rangkaian PMB Poltek GT. Kenapa Poltek GT? Karena sekarang lagi gencar-gencarnnya kabar penerimaan mahasiswa baru di kampus Politeknik Gajah Tunggal. Langsung saja ya, sebenarnya tes
selanjutnya juga masih bisa dibilang sama ketatnya dengan tes sebelumnya, namun
inilah tes penentu masuk tidaknya kalian ke Poltek GT. Tes apakah itu? Ya, betul, tes selanjutnya adalah
tes kesehatan.
Nah, lanjut ya, untuk kalian yang
telah melewati tes psikotes, penulis menyarankan untuk menjaga kondisi tubuh
kalian. Biasanya pengumuman tes psikotes dikeluarkan 1-2 minggu setelah
pelaksanaan tesnya, kemudian esok harinya akan dilaksanakan rangkaian tes
kesehatan. Tes kesehatan
merupakan serangkaian dari beberapa tes yang berguna untuk mengecek kondisi
fisik dari para peserta. Terdengar simpel ya, namun proses tes ini adalah full
bodycheck jadi tidak akan ada yang terlewatkan sedikitpun dalam pemeriksaannya.
Tes kesehatan ini
dilaksanakan di kampus Politeknik Gajah Tunggal seperti rangkaian tes sebelumnya
(kecuali tes psikotes, ya, karena biasanya dilaksanakan di Griya Ganesha Gajah Tunggal). Nah, untuk ruangannya sudah disediakan dari pihak kampus (biasanya sih di Gedung A, mungkin bisa jadi akan ada perubahan, yaitu di Gedung D, mungkin lho ya). Pelaksanaan tes ini
kemungkinan 1 hari, seperti biasa, 1 jam sebelum pelaksanaan adalah durasi
untuk melakukan registrasi. Jangan sampai terlambat, OK?! Karena nanti kalian akan
disuruh untuk menunggu di ruang tunggu, jadi makin pagi makin cepat giliran
kalian. Dalam melakukan
registrasi, penulis menyarankan langsung mencari meja registrasi sesuai nomor
peserta kalian. Setelah registrasi kalau kalian bingung, kalian cari Panitia
PMB (biasanya bajunya beda, warna oranye) lalu tanya untuk menunjukkan letak dari
ruang tunggu.
Kembali tentang tes kesehatan, tes ini
terdapat serangkaian tes seperti: tes buta warna, tes darah, tes urin, visus
mata, tes fisisk (bodycheck), rontgen dan lain-lain. Perlu diingat ya, rangkaian
tes ini tergantung dari pihak kampus untuk menentukan apa-apa saja rangkaian
tesnya. Untuk contoh tesnya
seperti apa, kalian bisa mencari sendiri di internet, banyak kok contohnya
di web.
Terima kasih sudah
membaca, semoga bisa menjadi bahan persiapan untuk kalian.
Hi, welcome to our blog, the author congratulates you for going through the most stressful test stages in the PMB Poltek GT series. Why is the GT Poltek? Because now the news of new student admissions on the Gajah Tunggal Polytechnic campus is now again. Immediately yes, actually the next test is still as same as the previous test, but this is a test that determines whether or not you go to the Poltek GT. What is the test? Yes, the next test is a health test.
Well, for those of you who have passed a psychological test, the author suggest to maintain your body condition. Usually the psychological test announcement is issued 1-2 weeks after the test, then the next day a series of medical tests will be conducted. Health tests are a series of several tests that are useful for checking the physical condition of the participants. It sounds simple, but this test process is a full body check so no one will be missed in the examination.
This medical test was carried out on the Gajah Tunggal Polytechnic campus as a series of previous tests (except the psychological test, because it is usually held at Griya Ganesha Gajah Tunggal). Now, for the room already provided from the campus (usually in Building A, maybe there will be changes, namely in Building D, maybe you know). The implementation of this test is likely to be 1 day, as usual, 1 hour before implementation is the duration to register. Don't be late, OK ?! Because later you will be told to wait in the waiting room, so the sooner the faster your turn will be. In registering, the author suggests directly looking for a registration table according to your participant's number. After registering if you are confused, you are looking for the PMB Committee (usually the clothes are different, orange) then ask to show the location of the waiting room.
Back about medical tests, this test has a series of tests such as: color blindness test, blood test, urine test, eye vision, physical test (body check), X-ray and others. Keep in mind, this series of tests depends on the campus to determine what the test series is. For what kind of test example, you can find by yourself on the internet, there are many examples on the web.
Thank you for reading, hopefully it can be a preparation for you.
Well, for those of you who have passed a psychological test, the author suggest to maintain your body condition. Usually the psychological test announcement is issued 1-2 weeks after the test, then the next day a series of medical tests will be conducted. Health tests are a series of several tests that are useful for checking the physical condition of the participants. It sounds simple, but this test process is a full body check so no one will be missed in the examination.
This medical test was carried out on the Gajah Tunggal Polytechnic campus as a series of previous tests (except the psychological test, because it is usually held at Griya Ganesha Gajah Tunggal). Now, for the room already provided from the campus (usually in Building A, maybe there will be changes, namely in Building D, maybe you know). The implementation of this test is likely to be 1 day, as usual, 1 hour before implementation is the duration to register. Don't be late, OK ?! Because later you will be told to wait in the waiting room, so the sooner the faster your turn will be. In registering, the author suggests directly looking for a registration table according to your participant's number. After registering if you are confused, you are looking for the PMB Committee (usually the clothes are different, orange) then ask to show the location of the waiting room.
Back about medical tests, this test has a series of tests such as: color blindness test, blood test, urine test, eye vision, physical test (body check), X-ray and others. Keep in mind, this series of tests depends on the campus to determine what the test series is. For what kind of test example, you can find by yourself on the internet, there are many examples on the web.
Thank you for reading, hopefully it can be a preparation for you.
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For another information you can ask me by whatsapp number (see the top-right) or just leave your comment. Thanks.
written by AKA
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