Scientists know that our sun and
other stars contain certain elements. How was this information obtained?
In the early nineteenth century,
the German physicist Josef Fraunhofer studied the emission spectrum of the sun
and noticed certain dark lines at specific wavelengths. We interpret the appearance
of these lines by supposing that originally a continuous band of color was
radiated and that, as the emitted light moves outward from the sun, some of the
radiation is reabsorbed at those wavelengths by the atoms in space. These dark
lines are therefore absorption lines. For atoms, the emission and absorption of
light occur at the same wavelengths. By matching the absorption lines in the
emission spectra of a star with the emission spectra of known elements in the
laboratory, scientists have been able to deduce the types of elements present
in the star.
Another way to study the sun spectroscopically
is during its eclipse. In 1868 the French physicist Pierre Janssen observed a
bright yellow line (see Figure) in the emission spectrum of the sun’s corona
during the totality of the eclipse. (The corona is the pearly white crown of light
visible around the sun during a total eclipse.) This line did not match the
emission lines of known elements, but did match one of the dark lines in the
spectrum sketched by Fraunhofer. The name helium (from Helios, the sun god in
Greek mythology) was given to the element responsible for the emission line.
Twenty-seven years later, helium was discovered on Earth by the British chemist
William Ramsay in a mineral of uranium. On Earth, the only source of helium is
through radioactive decay processes—a particles emitted during nuclear decay
are eventually converted to helium atoms.
Fraunhofer’s original drawing,
in 1814, showing the dark absorption lines in the sun’s emission spectrum. The
top of the diagram shows the overall brightness of the sun at different colors.
search for new elements from the sun did not end with helium. Around the time
of Janssen’s work, scientists also detected a bright green line in the spectrum
from the corona. They did not know the identity of the element giving rise to
the line, so they called it coronium because it was only found in the corona.
Over the following years, additional mystery coronal emission lines were found.
The coronium problem proved much harder to solve than the helium case because no
matchings were found with the emission lines of known elements. It was not
until the late 1930s that the Swedish physicist Bengt Edlén identified these
lines as coming from partially ionized atoms of iron, calcium, and nickel. At
very high temperatures (over a million degrees Celsius), many atoms become
ionized by losing one or more electrons. Therefore, the mystery emission lines
come from the resulting ions of the metals and not from a new element. So,
after some 70 years the coronium problem was finally solved. There is no such
element as coronium after all!
During the total eclipse of
the sun, which lasts for only a few minutes, the corona becomes visible.
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